Torn between the relative safety of doing what was expected, living and working close to home in middle America farmland, or blindly plunging into ‘sharky’ waters (literally), our young hero readily chose the sharks. It was bold choices like this early on that helped to shape his great adventure that wafted him far beyond the cornfields of Illinois and onto an island in the Caribbean – a pirate’s paradise
Back Time on Love City: The Carnival Never Stopped Paperback – November 4, 2013
by David Culberson
In his first factually-based fictional work, author David Culberson paints a wonderful coming of age story, in the bright and blinding pastels of youthful enthusiasm.
Every central character needs a mentor and our young hero, a complete rookie to sea and island life, was innocently drawn to a modern-day pirate by the name of Captain Jay. With high drive and low scruples, the pirate takes the rookie under his dark wing. Often times, Jay’s antics nearly kill him but somehow, our main character grew stronger and more savvy, eventually transforming his dark lessons into a very bright future. ‘Back Time on Love City’ is a funny five-star must-read. Between the inter-mix of laughs and heart-stopping antics, you find a central character that is inspiring just by his ability to remain alive. Publisher’s Review: This is a factually-based novel about friendships forged from less than perfect circumstances within a perfect place, based on consequential timing, and ending in the reality of the passing of time and long memories. A somewhat naïve twenty-two year old kid from the Midwest found his way to the Caribbean during a time when there were still modern day pirates; pre-DEA, pre-AIDS, and way pre-9/11.
He eventually landed on a small island where the cultural fabric was made up of an interesting blend of strange characters with magnetic personalities. One of the residents, a larger than life pirate with a big heart but a warped moral compass, took him under his wing and constantly tested him through many trials by fire. All humorous, most dangerous, some deadly. The kid excelled in learning how to learn fast and somehow survived and even thrived in his new environment. In just a few short years an evolving world brought changes to the idyllic little island that would cause the pirate to wear out his welcome, while a newly acquired skill set was serving the kid well. The pirate’s reckless nature caused a change in roles. The once swashbuckling king of the island was spiraling out of control and now it was the kid’s turn to take charge.