Ok, St. John is paradise. The only true nuisance are the mosquitos. They are not only a nuisance, they can actually infect you with bad diseases like Dengue and Chikungunya Fever. Both viruses are transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes, which have black and white stripes markings. The National Park Service has actually just issued a warning about Chikungunya outbreak in the Caribbean. In Makonde (African language), chikungunya means “that which bends”, referring to stooped appearance of patients in severe pain.
Tag: rainy day activites
Here is a fun little experiment to do with your kids, when back home at the villa or on a rainy day. All you need is food coloring, milk, dish soap and a cotton swab (if you have, you can do it without to)

From paddle-boarding the Mississippi to big game fishing off Mexico, from floating in the Dead Sea to swimming with jellyfish in Palau, from iceboating in Russia to sailing non-stop round the world, this book promises to inspire dreamers to become doers

A major debut from an award-winning writer—an epic family saga set against the magic and the rhythms of the Virgin Islands.

Torn between the relative safety of doing what was expected, living and working close to home in middle America farmland, or blindly plunging into ‘sharky’ waters (literally), our young hero readily chose the sharks. It was bold choices like this early on that helped to shape his great adventure that wafted him far beyond the cornfields of Illinois and onto an island in the Caribbean – a pirate’s paradise

In this acclaimed classic novel, James A. Michener sweeps readers off to the Caribbean, bringing to life the eternal allure and tumultuous history of this glittering string of islands.

Paid trip to the Caribbean sound good? Buck Reilly thinks so–flying rock stars and celebrities to a remote island for a charity concert seems a breeze–until all hell breaks loose when the promoter disappears and one of the A-list stars is kidnapped.

Seriously, maybe the single most useful item on St. John (well, after suncreen and bug spray). You might have heard about “island time”, so yes waiting will be part of your trip. Like for the ferries, which are never on time (and everywhere else where 5 minutes are, well, 5 island minutes which is something like bubble gum. It can magically extend. When you have something to read it is half as bad.