With the gym at the Westin undergoing major renovation and having moved to one of the meeting rooms we are excited to hear there is a new gym in town, at the Lumberyard complex.
Here is the statement of the owners:
To our STJ Friends & Family! It is official…We are opening a Fitness Center in The Lumber Yard Complex next to Driftwood David’s! Let’s face it, we can party with the best of um! But we also like to work out! We realized the void in Cruz Bay for all who want the best of both worlds. A night out on the town always feels better after a good workout!!! We also know it’s easier to stay focused with encouragement & a nice facility to make your fitness goals become a reality! This has not been an easy endeavor, with getting equipment shipped from Florida, to all of the paperwork involved. And to ensuring the facility will have everything you need for a great fitness experience. But we are committed to bringing it all to you…so please stay tuned for all of the updates as we near completion & inch closer to our opening day! We are so excited & look forward to working out with all of you & reaching our fitness goals…& having fun together while doing it! Let’s get Rock Fit!!!
We are curious to see what will be happen first, the completion of the renovation of the Westin Gym (estimated for January 2015) or the opening of this new place, which will also feature a bar.
At the moment most of the Westin gym equipment can still be used, but it is in a not-so-charming meeting room and there are no showers and sauna available. They do however still charge the full price of 135$ per month.
We will keep you posted as we learn more about prices and opening date for Rock Fitness, or you can follow their Facebook page.